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Words about us

The mission of the COMOPORE group (Computational Modelling of Porous Materials) is the development and implementation of new multi-scale computational models to describe the hydro-mechanical coupling in processes related to hydrocarbon prospecting in petroleum reservoirs, as well as the construction of computational tools to integrate fine escale information in commercial simulators used by industry.

Physical problems


Mathematical Modeling


Computational Simulations


Research Spotlights

Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas
Renewable Energy



Our Latest Publications

   Eduardo S. Castro, Josué S. Barroso, Marcio A. Murad, João N. C. Guerreiro. Reduced flow model and transmissibility upscaling in multi-layered faulted reservoirs. Computers and Geosciences, 2023.

   Isamara Landim, Marcio A. Murad, Patricia Pereira, Eduardo Abreu. A new computational model for karst conduit flow in carbonate reservoirs including dissolution-collapse breccias. Computational Geosciences, 2023.

   Quoc D. Ha, Tien D. Le, Irina Panfilov, Christian Moyne, Marcio A. Murad. Upscaling poromechanical models of coalbed methane reservoir incorporating the interplay between non-linear cleat deformation and solvation forces. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2022.

   Iury Coimbra, Yoe A.R. Perez, Marcio A. Murad, Fabio L. Custodio, Caroline L. Cazarin, Patricia A. Pereira, Tuane V. Lopes, Josue dos S. Barroso, Francisco P. Lima-Filho. Upscaling digital outcrop models to infer well connectivity in carbonates with karstic features. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering , 2022.

   Josue S. Barroso, Marcio A. Murad, Patricia A. Pereira. A new two-scale computational model for hydromechanical coupling in jointed rocks. Computers & Mathematics with Applications , 2021.

   Paola Ferraz, Patricia Pereira, Eduardo Abreu, Marcio A. Murad. Recursive Mixed Multiscale Model Reduction for Karst Conduit-Flow in Carbonate Reservoirs. Transport in Porous Media , 2021.

   Marcio A. Murad, Maicon R. Correa, Marcio R. Borges, Jesus A. Luízar-Obregón, Tuane V. Lopes. A fixed-stress split strategy for two-phase flow in heterogeneous poroelastic media overlain by viscoelastic rock salt layers. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 2021.

   Sidarta A. Lima, Marcio A. Murad, Bruno J. Vicente, Adolfo P. Pires. A New Multiscale Computational Model for Low Salinity Waterflooding in Clay Bearing Sandstones. Transp Porous Med , 2020.

   Marcio A. Murad, Tuane V. Lopes, Patricia A. Pereira, Francisco H.R. Bezerra, Aline C. Rocha. A three-scale index for flow in karst conduits in carbonate rocks. Advances in Water Resources , 2020.

   Tuane V. Lopes, Aline C. Rocha, Marcio A. Murad, Eduardo L. M. Garcia, Patricia A. Pereira, Caroline L. Cazarin. A new computational model for flow in karst-carbonates containing solution-collapse breccias. Computational Geosciences , in press, 2019.

   Tien D. Le and Christian Moyne and Marcio A . Murad,. A Three-Scale Poromechanical Model for Swelling Porous Media Incorporating Solvation Forces: Application to Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery Mechanics of Materials , vol. 131, pp 47-60, 2019.

   Maicon Correa and Marcio A. Murad, A new sequential method for three-phase immiscible flow in poroelastic media. Journal of Computational Physics , vol. 373, pp 493-532, 2018.

   Tien D. Le and Marcio A. Murad, A new multiscale model for flow and transport in unconventional shale oil reservoirs. Applied Mathematical Modelling , vol. 64, pp 453-479, 2018.

   Edison Caballero, Fernando A. Rochinha, Marcio Borges and Marcio A. Murad, An enhanced ensemble Kalman filter scheme incorporating model error in sequential coupling between flow and geomechanics International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics v. 43(2), p. 482-500, 2018.

   Antonio A.Novotny, Marcio A. Murad and Sidarta A. Lima, An adjoint-based optimization method for gas production in shale reservoirs. Acta Geotechnica , v. 13(4), p. 833-852, 2018.

   Aline .C. Rocha, Marcio. A. Murad, Tien .D. Le, A New Model for Flow in Shale-Gas Reservoirs including Natural and Hydraulic Fractures. Computational Geosciences, v. 21(5-6), p. 1095--1117 2017.

   Tien .D. Le, Marcio. A. Murad, Patricia Pereira, A New Matrix/Fracture Multiscale Coupled Model for Flow in Shale-Gas Reservoirs. SPE Journal , v. 22(1), p. 265-288, 2017.

   Rocha, Aline C.; Murad, Marcio A.; Moyne, Christian; Oliveira, Saulo P.; Le, Tien D.. A new methodology for computing ionic profiles and disjoining pressure in swelling porous media. Computational Geosciences , v. 20(5), p. 975-996', 2016.

   LE, Tien D. Le, Christian Moyne and Marcio A. Murad. A three-scale model for ionic solute transport in swelling clays incorporating ion-ion correlation effects. Advances in Water Resources , v. 75, p. 31-52, 2015.

   LE, TIEN DUNG ; MURAD, MARCIO A. ; PEREIRA, PATRICIA A. ; Boutin, Claude. Bridging between macroscopic behavior of shale gas reservoirs and confined fluids in nanopores. Computational Geosciences , v. 20, p. 751-771, 2015.

Our Projects

Multiscale Hydro-Geomechanical Computational Modeling of Carstified Fractured Carbonates.

Period: 08/2018 a 08/2023

The carbonates of the Brazilian pre-salt area are characterized by the presence of geological complexities and accurate modeling is required in order to describe this class of formations. As typical examples of such complexities, we can highlight karst facies, fractures, joints, faults, and veins. In particular, karstification occurs during infiltration of meteoric water or water coming from the center of the earth, which dissolves the host rock, leading to the appearance of highly irregular structures such as caves, sink holes, vugs, and enlarged fractures. In this project, we construct a methodology to compute equivalent properties as a function of the reservoir stress state. Such methodology can be used to incorporate the presence of the complex geological structures (finer scale) in reservoir simulators (macro scale).

Interactive Digital Atlas with 3D Visualization of Analogs in Various Scales and Multiscale Modeling

Period: 08/2018 a 12/2020

Scientific cooperation project directly involving seven Brazilian universities (UFRN, UNB, UFG, UFSC, PUC-Rio, UNISINOS, LNCC) along with the collaboration of foreign universities, working in areas of geological, mathematical, and computational modeling of oil and gas reservoirs. The research of the COMOPORE / LNCC group in this project focuses on the modeling of geological formations with the presence of fractures and caves, typical of the Brazilian pre-salt reservoirs, using geological and petrophysical data acquired from outcrops similar to the pre-salt, more specifically, in Lajedo Arapuá (RN) and in the Furna Feia region (RN).

Characterization, Multiscale Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Unconventional Gas Reservoirs in Shales

Period: 11/2012 a 05/2016

Shale formations are among the main energy reserves on the planet and the correct exploration of this source of natural gas can greatly expand worldwide energy supply. However, the modeling of these unconventional formations is very complex, involving several length scales and multiple physical and chemical processes. In this project, we built a multiscale computational model that accurately describes the hydrodynamics in shale gas reservoirs.

Numerical Simulation of Multiphase Flows in Heterogeneous Carbonates Incorporating Data Assimilation and Geomechanical Coupling With Adjacent Rocks: Application to the Pre-Salt

Period: 12/2012 a 06/2018

This project is a natural extension of the previous project, with the development of new algorithms based on the iteratively coupled geomechanical formulation, in addition to the resolution of the transport subsystem using higher order non-oscillatory finite volume methods. Numerical solutions to problems related to secondary recovery processes are obtained using, as input data, realizations of the permeability and elastic constant fields built from log-normal distributions. It is worthwhile highlighting the development of new numerical methods for three-phase flow, the geomechanical coupling with capping salt rocks, the assimilation of data via Markov-Chain Monte Carlo techniques, the incorporation of geochemical effects, as well as the execution of three-dimensional numerical simulations.

Numerical Flow Modeling and Simulation in Heterogeneous Reservoirs with Geomechanical Coupling

Period: 01/2008 a 11/2012

Development and implementation of a computational model to simulate two-phase flow in two-dimensional heterogeneous reservoirs characterized by hydromechanical coupling, using locally conservative numerical methods. Development of multiscale computational models in parallel computing environments to numerically address the problems arising from biphasic flow modeling in elastoplastic porous media. Computer simulation of the water injection process in oil reservoirs considering the geomechanical effects on production.

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About LNCC


The National Scientific Computing Laboratory, founded in 1980, is a brazilian research institute working under the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication (MCTIC). The mission of LNCC is to promote research, development, and innovation in the field of scientific computing, train human resources at graduate levels, and provide high performance computational services to the scientific community. To accomplish its mission, LNCC has interdisciplinary teams of scientists attacking important problems in science, offers a well-structured and research-guided multidisciplinary PhD program in computational modeling, and hosts the most powerful supercomputer in Latin America, Santos Dumont.

Contact Us

  • Getúlio Vargas Avenue, 333 - Quitandinha

    Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  • +55 24 2233-6149